#--- albandes -- user_profile = "Profile" user_external_settings = "External Settings" trello = "Trello API Configuration" trello_key = "Key" trello_token = "Token" Alert_external_settings_OK = "Successfully Saved External Settings !!!" Important_notices = "Important Notices" No_notices = "No important notice at the moment." dropzone_remove_file="Remover arquivo" dropzone_File_Too_Big="Excedeu o tamanho máximo {{filesize}}" dropzone_invalid_dimension= "A imagem tem que ser quadrada" dropzone_user_photot_message = "
Para atualizar sua foto,
arraste o arquivo com a imagem
clique aqui.

A imagem tem que ser quadrada !!! " trello_integration = "Trello Integration" trello_boards = "Boards" trello_lists = "Lists" trello_cards = "Cards" trello_title = "Card Title" trello_description = "Card Description" trello_tooltip_card = "Add new card" admin_dashboard = "Administration Dashboard" # - missing in en_US Grid_reload = "Grid Reload" Show_groups_services_title = "View groups by service" #--- adm_Navbar_name = "Admin" hdk_Navbar_name = "HelpDEZK" logout = "Log out" UserData = "User data" Year = "year" Years = "years" Month = "month" Months = " months" Day = "day" Days = "days" Hour = "hour" Hours = "hours"; Minute = "minute" Minutes = "minutes" Second = "second" Seconds = "seconds" Placeholder_name = "Enter the name" Placeholder_cpf = "Enter the SSN" Placeholder_email = "Enter the email" Placeholder_phone = "Enter the phone number" Placeholder_cellphone = "Enter the cellphone number" Placeholder_zipcode = "Enter de Zipcode" Placeholder_neighborhood = "Enter the Neighborhood" Placeholder_address = "Enter the adress" Placeholder_city = "Enter the city" Placeholder_subject = "Enter the subject" Alert_field_required = "This field is required." Alert_success_update = "Data updated successfully" Alert_success_withoutaddress = "Updated data but no address" overdue = "Overdue" on_time = "On Time" Messages = "Messages" New_messages = "New messages" Message_title = "You have $$ new messages ." Lock_text = "Your are in lock screen. Main app was shut down and you need to go the login screen to go back to app." Lock_unlock = "Unlock" btn_cancel = "Cancel" btn_submit = "Submit" btn_update_userdata = "Update your data " Grid_opening_date = "Entry Date" Grid_subject = "Subject" Grid_expire_date = "Deadline" Grid_incharge = "In charge" Grid_status = "Status" Grid_all_tickets = "All Tickets" Grid_view = "View" Grid_all = "All" Grid_new = "New" Grid_being_attended = "Being attended" Grid_waiting_my_approval = "Waiting my approval" Grid_finished = "Closed" Grid_rejected = "Rejected" Grid_all_tickets = "All tickets" Grid_new_tickets = "New tickets" Grid_being_attended_tickets = "Being attended Tickets" Grid_waiting_my_approval_tickets = "Waiting approval Tickets " Grid_finished_tickets = "Closed Tickets" Grid_rejected_tickets = "Rejected Tickets" Editor_Placeholder_insert = "Insert your note here ..." Editor_Placeholder_description = "Insert your descrition here ..." Tckt_incharge = "In charge" Tckt_drop_file = "Drop files to upload (or click here)!" Tckt_opened = "Ticket opened" Btn_evaluate = "Evaluate" Tckt_Request = "Ticket"; Tckt_evaluated_success = "Request evaluated successfully !" Tckt_cancel_request = "Confirm cancel request ?" Tckt_reopen_request = "Confirm reopen request ?" Tckt_delete_note = "Confirm delete request note?" Tckt_del_note_failure = "Could not delete the note !" Tckt_finish_request = "Close" Reason_no_registered = "No registered reason" Tck_Open = "Open Tickets " My_Tickets = "My Tickets" Tck_title = "Tickets" Tck_new_ticket = "New Ticket" #----- Abbreviation = "Abbreviation" Abilities = "Abilities" Access = "Access" Access_denied = "Access denied." Acess_level = "Access Level" Activate = "Activate" Additional_fields = "Additional Fields" Add = "Add" Add_category = "Add Category" Add_new = "Add New" Add_item = "Add Item" Add_service = "Add Service" Add_location = "Add location" Add_State = "Add State" Add_City = "Add City" Add_widget = "Add Widget" Added_notes = "Added Notes" Additional_information = "Additional information" Administration = "Administration" Adress = "Address" Alert_empty_fields = "Please fill in all fields" Alert_activated = "Succesfully activated." Alert_activated_error = "Failure to activate." Alert_approve = "You have requests waiting for approval, do you want to approve them now?" Alert_choose_area = "Please choose an area" Alert_choose_category = "Choose a Category" Alert_choose_company = "Choose a company" Alert_choose_department = "Choose a department" Alert_choose_item = "Please choose an item" Alert_choose_module = "Choose a Module" Alert_choose_outputtype = "Please choose an output type" Alert_choose_reason = "Please choose a reason" Alert_choose_service= "Please choose a service" Alert_choose_source = "Please choose a source" Alert_choose_type = "Please choose a type" Alert_choose_typeuser = "Please choose the user's type" Alert_choose_way = "Please choose an attendance way" Alert_choose_year_import = "Choose for which year you want to import" Alert_deactivated = "Succesfully deactivated." Alert_deactivated_error = "Failure to desactivate." Alert_deleted = "Succesfully Deleted." Alert_deleted_error = "Failure to delete." Alert_different_passwords = "Passwords do not match" Alert_wrong_password = "Wrong current password" Alert_empty_area = "Please fill areas name!" Alert_empty_cpf = "Please fill de SSN" Alert_empty_code ="Please fill the code" Alert_empty_color = "Please choose a color" Alert_empty_color_exhibition = "Choose an exhibition color" Alert_empty_controller = "Please fill the controllers name" Alert_empty_costcenter = "Plese fill the cost center's name" Alert_empty_costumer = "Plese select costumer" Alert_empty_date = "Please choose a date" Alert_empty_department = "Please fill the department's name" Alert_empty_description = "Please fill the request's description" Alert_empty_email = "Please fill the email address" Alert_empty_evaluation = "Please fill the evaluation's name" Alert_empty_file = "Choose a file to attach" Alert_empty_group = "Please fill group's name" Alert_empty_icon = "Please choose an icon" Alert_empty_item = "Please fill item's name" Alert_empty_justify = "Please fill the justification" Alert_empty_level = "Please fill the attendace's level" Alert_empty_login = "Please fill the login" Alert_empty_module = "Please fill the module's name" Alert_empty_name = "Please fill the name" Alert_empty_note = "Please fill the note's body" Alert_empty_order = "Please fill the exhibition order" Alert_empty_password = "Please fill the password" Alert_empty_person = "Please fill the opening user's name." Alert_empty_priority = "Please fill the priority's name" Alert_empty_program = "Please Fill the program's name" Alert_empty_question = "Please select a question" Alert_empty_service = "Please fill services's name" Alert_empty_solution = "Please fill the solution" Alert_empty_status = "Please fill the status" Alert_empty_subject = "Please fill the request's subject" Alert_empty_time = "Please choose a opening time" Alert_empty_type = "Please fill type's name" Alert_empty_user = "Please fill the user" Alert_failure = "Couldn't insert" Alert_change_password = "Password changed successfully" Alert_inserted = "Succesfully Inserted" Alert_inserted_request = "Your request has been registered with the code:" Alert_in_charge_repass = "Choose an attendant or group to repass!" Alert_group_record = "Group succesfully inserted" Alert_no_permission = "You don't have permission to do this" Alert_no_records = "No records!" Alert_select_just_one = "Please select just 1 item" Alert_select_one = "Please select 1 item" Alert_sucess_department = "Department succesfully inserted" Alert_sucess_group = "Group succesfully inserted" Alert_sucess_holiday = "Holiday succesfully inserted" Alert_sucess_module = "Module succesfully inserted." Alert_sucess_priority = "Priority succesfully inserted" Alert_sucess_program = "Program succesfully installed" Alert_sucess_status = "Status succesfully inserted" Alert_sucess_return = "Request returned to the previous approver." Alert_sucess_repass = "Succesfully repassed!" Alert_sucess_cancel = "Request successfully canceled." Alert_sucess_reopen = "Request reopened successfully." Alert_system_default = "Default items can't be deleted." Alert_type_repass = "An error occurred while setting for those who repass. Contact the administration." Alert_follow_repass = "Choose one of the options on the follow." Alert_wrong_date = "Please fill the date with dd/mm/yyyy format" Alert_wrong_date_2 = "Please fill the date" Alert_wrong_time = "Please fill the time with 4 characters" Alert_wrong_extension_csv = "Invalid file extension. Are permitted only files with the extension CSV" all = "All" Alter_temp_btn = "Alter Template" Amended_by = "Amended by" Approve_btn = "Approve" Approve_text = "Do you approve the operators attendance?" Approve_no = "No." Approve_obs = "Yes, with observation." Approve_yes = "Yes." and = "and" Answer = "Answer" Article_insert = "Insert Article" Article_edit = "Edit Article" Article_see = "See Article" Article_remove = "Remove Article" Area = "Area" Area_insert = "Insert Area" Area_edit = "Edit Area" Area_name = "Area's name" Assume_request = "Assume Request" Assumed_successfully = "Assumed successfully!" Att_way = "Attendance Way" Att_way_min = "Atend. Way" Att_way_new = "New Atend. Way" Attach = "Attach" Attachments = "Attachments" Attached_files = "Attached Files" Attend_level = "Attendance level" Attend_time = "Attendance Time" Attendance = "Attendance" Attendance_level= "Attendance level" Attendance_time = "Attendance time" Attendants_by_group = "View operators by group" Available = "Available" Available_for = "Available for" Available_text = "Available for record on request." Average_time = "Average Time" Back_btn = "Back" Being_attended = "Being attended" Branch = "Branch" Birth_date = "Birth Date" Be_together_with = "Be together with" Bar_show = "Show Bar" Bar_hide = "Hide Bar" Both = "Both" Business_day = "Business Day" By_group = "by group" By_company = "by company" Cancel_btn = "Cancel" Category = "Category" Category_insert = "Insert Category" Change = "Change" Change_date = "Change Date" Choose_date = "Choose the date" Change_password = "Change Password" Change_password_required = "Forcing user to change password." Change_permissions = "Change Permissions" Change_logo = "Change Logo" Change_file = "Change File" Change_icon_btn = "Change Icon" Checked = "Checked" City = "City" Classification = "Classification" Classification_text = "Set this item as 'Classification Free'." Client = "Costumer" Closed = "Closed" Code = "Code" Color = "Color" Color_exhibition = "Exhibition color" Color_text = "Choose a color using the pallete" Company = "Company" Complement = "Complement" Confirm_close = "Close request?" Confirm_password = "Confirm Password" Contact_person = "Contact Person" Controller = "Controller" Confirm_manage_perm = "Don't forget to insert the new program's permissions! Want to do this now?" conf_approvals = "Configure Approvals" Cost_center = "Cost Center" Cost_center_insert = "Cost Center Insert" Cost_center_edit = "Cost Center Edit" Cost_center_number = "Cost Center Nยบ" Country = "Country" Consult = "Consult" cpf ="SSN" Create_user = "Create user" Create_user_msg = "Create new user if this not exist in the Helpdezk." Current_date = "Current Date" Current_time = "Current Time" Current_passord = "Current Password" Choose_format = "Choose the format you want to export your report." Close = "Close" Dashboard = "Dashboard" Date = "Date" Days = "Days" Deactivate = "Deactivate" Deactivate_program = "This program can not be disable." Deactivate_module = "This module can not be disable." Default = "Default" Default_department_value = "Department needed" Default_department = "Default Department" Default_department_msg = "you can add more departments in the department's insert program" Default_text = "Use this priority as default when a request is opened." Delete = "Delete" Delete_emails = "Delete emails" Delete_emails_msg = "Delete emails from the server when downloading." Delimiter = "Delimiter" Department = "Departament" Department_exists = "Department already recorded!" Department_edit = "Departament Edit" Department_insert = "Department Insert" Department_name = "Departament's name" Departments = "Departaments" Description = "Description" Domain = "Domain" Downloads = "Downloads" Downloads_edit = "Download Edit" Downloads_insert = "Insert Download" Drag_widget = "Drag your widgets here" Delete_widget = "Are you sure you want to delete this widget?" EIN_CNPJ = "EIN" edit = "Edit" Edit_btn = "Edit" Edit_user_info = "Edit user's informations" Edit_sucess = "Succesfully edited!" Edit_failure = "Can't Edit!" Edit_layout = "Edit Layout" email = "E-mail" Email_byCron = "Send the emails of the requests by cron" Email_host = "Email host" Email_config = "Email Configuration" Email_request_insert = "Insert Request by Email" Email_request_edit = "Edit Request by Email" Email_sender = "Email sender" Empty = "No Items" Enter = "Enter" Equipment = "Equipment" Error = "Error!" Error_moving_file = "An error occured while moving the file" Evaluation = "Attendance Evaluation" Evaluation2 = "Evaluation" Evaluation_insert = "Insert Attendance's evaluation" Evaluation_token_msg = "Request successfully evaluated!" Evaluation_token_exist = "Token request not exist or has already assessed." Execution_date = "Execution Date" Evaluation_edit = "Edit attendance's evaluation" Expire_date = "Expiry Date" Expire_date_sucess = "Expire date changed successfully!" Exhibition_color= "Exhibition color" Exhibition_order= "Exhibition order" Export = "Export" Extra = "Extra" Female = "Female" Failure_logs = "Failure logs" Faq_available = "Available for FAQ" Faq = "FAQ" File = "File" File_exist = "This file already exists." File_PDF = "PDF file." File_XLS = "XLS dile." File_CSV = "CSV file." File_url = "File URL" Fill_adress = "Fill Adress?" Filter = "Filter" Filter_by_sender = "Filter by Sender" Filter_by_subject = "Filter by Subject" Finish_btn = "Finish" Finished_alt = "Finished" Finished = "Finished requests" Footer_msg = "2012 - Pipegrep - IP Connectivity Solutions - All rights reserved" Footer = "Footer" Form_Title = "Edit Template" From = "From" Generated = "Generated" Generate_btn = "Generate" Gender = "Gender" Group = "Group" Group_exists = "Group already recorded!" Group_edit = "Edit Group" Group_insert = "Insert Group" Group_name = "Group's name" Group_operators = "Group Operators" Group_still_viewing = "I want my group to keep viewing this request" Groups = "Groups" Go_to_Attendance = "Go to Attendance" Header = "Header" Hide = "Hide" Holiday = "Holiday" Holidays = "Holidays" Holiday_des = "Holiday Description" Holiday_edit = "Holiday Edit" Holiday_edit = "Holiday edit" Holiday_insert = "Insert holiday" Holiday_import = "Holiday's Import" Home = "Home" Hours = "Hours" Hour = "Hour" Hours_Morning = "Hours of the Morning" Icon = "Icon" Info_header_logo = "Header logo must have 35pixels in height, all images with different proportions will be resized." Info_login_logo = "Login page logo must have 70pixels in height, all images with different proportions will be resized." Info_reports_logo = "Reports logo must have 40pixels in height, all images with different proportions will be resized." Insert_in_knowledgebase = "Insert in knowledge base" Import = "Import" Import_btn = "Import" Import_to = "Import to" Import_successfull = "Successfully Imported" Import_failure = "Couldn't Import" Import_same_year = "Can't import to the same year" Insert_note = "Insert Note" Insert_question = "Insert a Question" Integration_ldap = "LDAP/AD Integration" Edit_question = "Edit a Question" Install_instructions = "Installation Instructions" Invalid_extension = "Invalid extension." IP_adress = "IP Adress"; Item = "Item" Item_insert = "Item Insert" Item_edit = "Item Edit" Item_name = "Item's name" Items = "item(s)" itens = "items" juridical = "Juridical" Justification = "Justification" ldap_server = "Server" ldap_dn = "Distinguished Names" ldap_domain = "Domain" ldap_field = "Object AD/LDAP" ldap_field_obs = "Field where the user is stored." Limit_time_att = "Attendance Time limit" List_comp_groups = "List of companies and their groups:" Load_btn = "Load" Loading = "Loading..." Login = "Login" login = "Login" Login_acess = "Access Login" Login_exists = "Login already recorded!" Login_page = "Login page" Login_page_logo = "Login Page Logo" Login_type = "Login Type" Login_layout = "Layout Login" Login_user_not_exist = "User don't exist, please check your typing!" Login_error_error = "Wrong password, please try again." Login_user_inactive = "Inactive user, please talk with one administrator." Login_error_secret = "Wrong token, please try again !!!" Logoff = "Logout" Location = "Location" Location_insert = "Location Insert" Locations_recorded = "Locations Recorded" Lost_password = "I forgot my password" Lost_password_env = "Your new password will be send to the e-mail that you registered." Lost_password_suc = "New password send with success. " Lost_password_err = "Falha ao enviar nova senha." Lost_password_ad = "It is not possible to recovery the password in the Active Directory, contact the System Administrator." Lost_password_pop = "It is not possible to recovery the password at POP mode, contact the System Administrator." Lost_password_master = "User master password can not be changed" Lost_password_not = "User don't exist, please check your typing" Lost_password_subject = "Password Reminder" Lost_password_body = "

We inform you that your new password is: $pass
This is an automatically message, please do not answer.

" Lost_password_log = "Sent e-mail lost password - " Manage_fail_import_file = "Failed to import the csv file with the data." Manage_fail_move_file = "Failed to move file data.\nCheck the permissions on attachments directory and try again." Manage_fail_open_file_in = "Failed to open the data file in " Manage_fail_open_file_per = "\nCheck the permissions and try again." Manage_service_area = "Registered new area -> Code:" Manage_service_using_area = "Using existing area -> Code: " Manage_service_area_fail = "Failed to register the service area " Manage_service_inf_line = " given in row " Manage_service_imp_canceled = ". Import canceled!" Manage_service_type = "Joined new TYPE -> Code: " Manage_service_type_fail = "Failed to register the type of care " Manage_service_using_type = "Using existing type -> " Manage_service_item = "Joined new item -> " Manage_service_item_fail = "Failed to register the service item " Manage_service_using_item = "Using existing item -> Code " Manage_service_company_fail = "Column 8 is required a valid filename company. The company % is not registered!" Manage_service_group_fail = "Failed to register the group in person table: " Manage_service_group_fail2 = "Failed to register the service group" Manage_service_group_register = "! Joined new service group -> Code " Manage_service_group_using = "* Using existing group -> Code " Manage_service_default_pri = " was associated with default priority, because the priority informed " Manage_service_pri_no_exist = " does not exist in the system." Manage_service_fail_code = "Failed to determine the service code " Manage_service_on_line = ", on line " Manage_service_line = "line " Manage_service_already_registered = " is already registered." Manage_service_column_6 = "Column 6 must contain only numeric value. The value was entered " Manage_service_fail = "Fails to enroll the service " Manage_service_inf_on_line = " entered on line " Manage_service_register_service = "Joined new service " Manage_service_fail_rel = "Failed to register the relationship between service " Manage_service_and_group = " and the group " Manage_service_not_registered = "Is not registered or is not attending. Line " Manage_service_in_service = " in service " Mange_service_order = ", order" Manage_service_finalized_line = "Finalized the line " Manage_service_completed = "Process completed successfully" Manage_service_not_identify_priority = "Unable to identify the priority service time on line " Manage_instructions = "Download the instructions for importing: " Manage_layout_service = "Layout Import Services" Manage_layout_service_file = "Layout-Import-Services.pdf" Manage_layout_user = "Layout Import Users" Manage_layout_user_file = "Layout-Import-Users.pdf" Male = "Male" Manage_questions = "Manage Questions" Maintenance = "Maintenance" Minutes = "Minutes" Mobile_phone = "Mobile Phone" Module = "Module" Module_edit = "Module Edit" Module_insert = "Module Insert" Module_name = "Module's name" Modules = "Modules" Monthly_average = "Monthly average" Month = "Month" Msg_change_password_ldap = "After saving not forget to change the user password." Msg_change_operation = "Warning! If you want change the operations permissions you need set the permissions again at program 'Type Person Permission'" Category = "Category" Category_edit = "Category Edit" Category_insert = "Category Insert" Category_name = "Category's name" Categories = "Categories" My_requests = "My Requests" Name = "Name" natural = "Natural" National_holiday = "National Holiday" Neighborhood = "Neighborhood" New = "New" new = "New" New_category = "New Category" New_date = "New Date" New_time = "New Time" New_password = "New Password" New_request = "New Request" New_requests = "New requests" No_abilities = "There's no abilities related" No_instructions = "No instructions" No_data = "No data." Note = "Note" Note_msg = "Insert notes when answer emails." Not_available_yet = "Not available yet" Not_approved = "Not approved requests" Not_classified = "Not Classified" No_result = "No results found." No = "No" Notification = "Notification" Number = "Number" Obrigatory_time = "Please fill the time expended in this activity" Observation = "Observation" of = "of" Ok_btn = "Ok" Out_time = "Out of time" Only_operator = "Only operator" Option_only_operator = "Option only for operators" Opened_by = "Opened By" Operation = "Operation" Operations = "Operations" Operator = "Operator" Operator_groups = "Operator Groups" Opening_date = "Entry Date" Opening_request = "Opening request" Open_new_request = "Open new request" Output_optns = "Output Options" Overtime = "Overtime" Print = "Print" Page = "Page" Page_header_logo = "Page Header Logo" Partner = "Partner" Parent_Category = "Parent Category" Password = "Password" Secret = "Token" Pc_info = "PC's information" people = "People & Companies" Permission_insert = "Insert Permission" Permissions = "Permissions" permissions = "Manage Permissions" Permission_granted = "Permission granted successfully" Permission_revoked = "Permission revoked successfully" Permission_error = "Error during operation" Person_age = "Age" Person_name = "Name" Person_insert = "Person & Company Insert" Person_edit = "Person & Company Edit" Person_report = "Person Report" Port = "Port" Phone = "Phone" Pop_server = "POP Server" Previous_year = "Previous Year" Priority = "Priority" Priority_edit = "Priority Edit" Priority_insert = "Priority Insert" Programs = "Programs" Programs_insert = "Insert program" Programs_edit = "Edit program" PDF_person_report = "Person Report" PDF_reject = "Reject Requests" PDF_request_report = "Requests Report" PDF_code = "Code" PDF_Page = "Page" Property = "Property" Problem_solution = "Problem Solution" Problem_description = "Problem Description" Question = "Question" Widget = "Widget" Read = "Read" Reason = "Reason" Reason_insert = "Opening Reason Insert" Reason_edit = "Opening Reason Edit" Record_btn = "Record" Recalculate_msg_chk = "Recalculate service time after the end of the approvals" Recalculate = "Recalculate" Remove = "Remove" Remove_exceptions = "Remove Exceptions" Register_btn = "Register" Related_abilities = "Related Abilities" Release_out_of_date = ">> Your HelpDEZK is out of date. Click here to update " Repass_btn = "Repass" Repassed = "Repassed" Repass_request_only = "Only repass requests" Replicate_time = "Replicate time for all" Repass_request_to = "Repass request to" Rejected = "Rejected" Repass_groups = "Configure repass group" Reports = "Reports" Request_report = "Requests Report" Reports_logo = "Reports Logo" Request = "Request" Requests = "Requests" Request_assumed = "Request Assumed" Request_approve_app = "Request Approve" Request_reprove_app = "Request Reprove" Request_return_app = "Return to the previous phase" Request_rejected = "Request Could not be attended: " Request_rejected_app = "Request Could not be attended. Redirected to the previous reviewer." Request_repassed = "Request Repassed " Request_reopened = "Request Reopened " Request_closed = "Request Closed" Request_canceled = "Request Canceled" Request_opened = "Request Opened" Request_code = "Request Code" Request_insert = "New request" Request_in_progress = "Requests in progress" Request_owner = "Request Owner" Request_number = "Request Number" Request_not_approve = "The request was not approved" Request_approve = "There are requests waiting for approval.
You can not open new requests before approving it." Request_waiting_approval = "Waiting for user`s approval" Restricted = "Restricted" Restricted_msg = "If checked, only operators and administrators can access this file." Required_field = "This field is required." Requires_Autentication = "Requires autentication" Request_app_rep_next = "Request approved. Repassed to the next approver." Request_app_rep_care = "Request approved. Repassed for care." Smarty="Smarty's Variable" Save = "Save" Screen = "Screen" Search = "Search" Search_in_knowledgebase = "Search in Knowledge Base" Set_repass_groups = "Set repass groups" Search_user = "Search user" Search_user_img_alt = "Search user" Select = "Select" Select_operator = "Choose an operator" Select_acess_level = "Choose Acess Level" Select_area = "Choose an area" Select_category = "Choose a category" Select_company = "Choose a company" Select_country_first = "Select Country First" Select_department = "Chose a department" Select_group = "Choose a group" Select_group = "Selecione um grupo" Select_priority = "Choose a priority" Select_question = "Choose a question" Select_category = "Choose a category" Select_source = "Select a source" Select_state_first = "Select State First" Select_module = "Select the module" Select_group_operator = "Select a group or operator." Select_group_or_operator = "Select Group or Operator." Send = " S E N D " Send_email = "Send email" Send_img_alt = "Sending" Serial_number = "Serial Number" Service = "Service" SERVICE = "SERVICE" Server = "Server" Service_insert = "Service Insert" Service_edit = "Service Edit" Service_name = "Service's Name" Services_by_group = "View services by group" Groups_by_service = "View groups by services" Send_alerts_topic_email = "Yes, send alerts by email for this topic." Send_alerts_email = "Yes, send this alert by email." Service_order_number = "OS Number" Service_order_number_min = "OS Number" Show_attendants_title = "Show operators by group" Show_instructions = "Show Instructions" Show_services_title = "Show services by group" Show_groups_serices_title = "Show groups by service" showing = "Showing" show = "Show" Show_all_grid = "Show all at Grid" Show_in = "Show in" Short_description = "Short description" SMS = "SMS" Software_info = "Software's information" Solution = "Solution" Source = "Source" Started = "Started" State = "State" status = "Status" Status_edit = "Status Edit" Status_insert = "Status insert" Status_sucess = "Status changed successfully" Still_viewing = "I want to keep viewing this request." Stop_viewing = "Stop viewing this request." Subject = "Subject" Successfully_approved = "Successfully approved." Success_logs = "Success logs" System = "System" System_update = "System Update" Tag = "Tag" Tag_min = "Tag" Template_edit = "Edit Template" Term = "Term" Time_exp = "Time Expended" Time_expended = "Time Expended in task" Timer = "Timer" Timer_alt = "Start/Stop chronometer" Time_value = "Time Value" Time_return = "Time return link (callback)" Time_Morning = "Time Morning" Time_Afternoon = "Time Afternoon" Title = "Title" tlt_span_group = "Requests from my group" tlt_span_my = "My Requests" tlt_span_all = "All Requests" tlt_span_track_group = "Track by group" tlt_span_track_me = "Track by me" to = "to" To = "To" to2 = "to" Topic = "Topic" Topic_insert = "Topic Insert" Topic_edit = "Topic Edit" Total_time_expended = "Total time expended" Total_minutes = "Total minutes" Total = "Total" Total_holidays = "Total Holidays" type = "Type" TYPE = "TYPE" Type = "Type" Type_adress = "Type adress" Type_edit = "Type Edit" Type_insert = "Insert Type" Type_name = "Type's name" type_person = "Person Type" Update = "Update" Update_info = "Update Informations" Use_solution = "Use Solution" User = "User" User_login = "User login" User_uptodate_warning = "Make sure to always update your informations for easy attendance." User_info = "User's informations" User_requests_info = "User's requests information" User_exhibition = "User exhibition" Until_closed = "Until closed" until_closed = "until closed" until = "until" Validity_Standard = "Validity Standard" Valid = "Valid" Valid_until = "Valid until" Version = "Version" View_topics = "View Topics" Visible = "Visible" VIP_user = "VIP user" VIP_user_text = "Use this priority when a VIP user makes a request." View_groups = "View groups" Yes = "Yes " Year = "Year" Warning_insert = "Warning Insert" Weekday = "Weekday" Welcome = "Welcome" Waiting_my_approval = "Waiting my approval" Waiting_for_approval = "Waiting for approval" Write_permission = "You don't have permission to write at directory" Within = "Within" Warning_new = "New Warning" Warning_edit = "Edit Warning" Warning_new_topic = "New Topic" Warning_view_topics = "View Topics" Warning_title_topic = "Topic Title" Warning_title = "Warning Title" Zipcode = "Zipcode" Minimum = "Minimum" Middle = "Middle" Maximum = "Maximum" Normal = "Normal" DbHost = "Database Host Name" DbName = "Database Name" DbUser = "Database User" DbPass = "Database Password" Field1 = "Field 1" Field2 = "Field 2" Field3 = "Field 3" Field4 = "Field 4" Field5 = "Field 5" Image = "Image" Permission_Groups = "Permission" Permission_Groups_Select = "Select the Permission Group" #-- Days of the week ---- Monday = "Monday" Tuesday = "Tuesday" Wednesday = "Wednesday" Thursday = "Thursday" Friday = "Friday" Saturday = "Saturday" Sunday = "Sunday" #-- Months ---- January = "January" February = "February" March = "March" April = "April" May = "May" June = "June" July = "July" August = "August" September = "September" October = "October" November = "November" December = "December" #---- Type User ------ type_user_admin = "Administrator" type_user_user = "User" type_user_operator = "Operator" type_user_costumer = "Costumer" type_user_partner = "Partner" type_user_group = "Group" type_user_ERP_User = "ERP User" type_user_ERP_Company = "Company ERP" type_user_ERP_Supplier = "Supplier" #---- Email ------ Email_request_assumed = "USER: Notify user when a request is assumed" Email_request_finished = "USER: Notify user when a request is closed" Email_request_rejected = "USER: Notify user when a request is rejected" Email_request_apont_user = "USER: Notify user when a new note is recorded" Email_request_record = "OPERATOR: Notify operators in charge when a new request is recorded" Email_request_repass = "OPERATOR: Notify operators in charge when a request is repassed" Email_request_apont_operator = "OPERATOR: Notify user when a new note is recorded" Email_request_reopened = "ATENDENTE: Notify operators in charge when a request is reopened" Email_request_evaluated = "OPERATOR: Notify operator when a request is evaluated." Email_request_approve = "OPERATOR: Notify operator in charge when have new request to approve" Email_operator_reject = "OPERATOR: Send email for all operator in the group when reject request." #--- Email vars ----- Var_user = "Logged User" Var_phone = "User's Phone" Var_company = "User's Company" Var_branch = "User's branch phone number" Var_date = "Date when the email is sent" Var_request = "Request Code" Var_subject = "Request Subject" Var_reason = "Request Reason" Var_description = "Request Description" Var_record = "Entry Date" Var_expire = "Expire Date" Var_assume = "Assume Date" Var_finish = "Finish Date" Var_rejection = "Rejection Date" Var_serial = "Serial Number" Var_status = "Request Status" Var_requester = "Requester Name" Var_incharge = "In charge" Var_type = "Type" Var_item = "Item" Var_service = "Service" Var_nt_operator = "Notes that only operators can see" Var_tag = "Tag Number" Var_costcenter = "Cost center's name" Var_nt_user = "Notes that users can see" Var_link_operator = "Link to the request page (operator)" Var_link_user = "Link to the request page (user)" Var_evaluation = "Evaluation given by the user" Var_link_evaluation = "Link to evaluate without login." auxiliary_operator_include = "Include Auxiliary Operator" #--- Operator Buttons ------ btn_save_changes = "Save Changes" btn_assume = "Assume" btn_repass = "Repass" btn_reject = "Reject" btn_close = "Close" btn_reopen = "Reopen" btn_add_note = "Add Note" btn_ope_aux = "Operator Auxiliary" #--- System Features ----- sys_allow_delete_note = "Give operators the ability to delete notes" sys_prorogation_qt = "Quantity of expire date prorogations (0 = Never, [Blank] = No Limits, [Above 0] = Prorogation Quantity)" sys_allow_reopen = "Allow reopening of requests" sys_allow_reopen_user = "Allow reopening of requests by user" sys_enter_time = "Force operators to enter the time expended in the task" sys_allow_assume_others = "Give operators the ability to assume requests that are already been attended or repassed." sys_start_timer = "At request opening, start the timer" sys_email_notification = "Enable/disable sending emails." sys_expire_date_user = "Hide of users the expiry date while the requests is not assumed" sys_show_group_view_checkbox = "When assuming a request, check the option: 'I want my group to keep viewing this request.'" sys_sort_asc = "Show requests by expiry date in ascending order" sys_use_equipment = "Uses equipment control [Label, Serial and OS Number]" ses_attachment_operator_note = "Send operetor note attachment for user email." ses_aprove = "Ask for user approval at finishing a request" ses_evaluate = "At approval, make the user fill a form evaluating the attendance" ses_maintenance = "Enable maintenance mode" ses_request_show_phone = "Show number, branch and cell phone in the request. Mostrar número de telefone, ramal e celular na solicitação." ses_refresh_opertor_grid = "Set time to auto refresh grid of operators. Time in seconds. [0 = not refresh]" ses_request_addinfo = "Enable additional information at the end of request." System_features = "System Features" sys_adm_view_request = "User administrator visualize all the requests" sys_open_new_request = "For opening a new request the user must not have requests for approval" sys_empty_note = "Allow the attendant enter note without description" Other_items = "Other Options" sys_workdays_request_approval = "Number of days for the system to automatically approve requests closed [0 = never approve]" sys_time_session = "Time that will last the session system. Value in seconds. If not set will be 10 minutes." #--- Grid Sorting ----- grd_show_only_mine = "Show only mine" grd_show_group = "Show from my groups" grd_show_all = "Show all" grd_expiring = "Expiring" grd_expiring_today = "Expiring today" grd_expired = "Expired" grd_expired_n_assumed = "Expired not assumed" #--- Programs ----- cat_records = "Records" cat_config = "Config" cat_reports = "Reports" cat_import = "Import" pgr_people = "People & Companies" pgr_holidays = "Holidays" pgr_programs = "Programs" pgr_modules = "Modules" pgr_type_permission = "Type Person Permission" pgr_downloads = "Downloads" pgr_logos_header = "Header Logo" pgr_logos_login = "Login Page Logo" pgr_logos_reports = "Reports Logo" pgr_status = "Status" pgr_priority = "Priority" pgr_groups = "Groups" pgr_evaluation = "Evaluation" pgr_departments = "Departments" pgr_cost_center = "Cost Center" pgr_services = "Services" pgr_req_reason = "Request Reason" pgr_email_config = "Email Configuration" pgr_email_request = "Requests by Email" pgr_sys_features = "System Features" pgr_person_report = "Person Report" pgr_req_reports = "Requests Report" pgr_req_reports = "Total Requests Report" pgr_ope_aver_resptime = "Operator Average Response Time" pgr_grp_aver_resptime = "Group Average Response Time" pgr_request_department = "Request by Department" pgr_rejects_request = "Reject Requests" pgr_request_company = "Summarized by Company" pgr_request_by_month = "Requests by Month" pgr_request_service = "Summarized by Service" pgr_request_status = "Requests by Status" pgr_request_operator = "Requests by Operator" pgr_request_group = "Requests by Group" pgr_summarized_operator = "Summarized by Operator" pgr_summarized_department = "Summarized by Department" pgr_user_satisfaction = "User Satisfaction" pgr_dash_category = "Widgets Categories" pgr_dash_widgets = "Widgets" pgr_warnings = "Warnings" pgr_import_people = "Users Import" pgr_request_evaluate = "Evaluate of requests" pgr_work_calendar = "Work Calendar" pgr_knowledge_base = "Knowledge Base" Request_Operator_Average_Response_Time = "Operator Average Response Time" Request_Ope_Avg_Att_Time = "Operator Average Attendance Time" Request_Ope_Avg_Clos_Time = "Operator Average Closure Time" pgr_sum_add_info = "Summarized by Additional Information" pgr_req_add_info = "Requests by Additional Information" pgr_worked_requests = "Worked Requests" pgr_requests_by_company = "Requests by Company" pgr_logos = "Logos" pgr_erp_costcenter = "Cost Center - ERP" pgr_erp_account = "Account Management" cat_erp_accounting = "Accounting" cat_erp_accountsreceivable = "Accounts Receivable" pgr_erp_prodserv = "Products and Service" pgr_erp_accrecentry = "Accounts Receivable Entry " pgr_erp_bankaccount = "Bank Account" cat_erp_bankaccount = "Records" cat_erp_cashbank = "Cash Management" cat_erp_utils = "Utils" pgr_erp_cashbank = "Cash and Bank" pgr_erp_bankstatement = "Imp Bank Statement" pgr_erp_rel_ledger = "Ledger" pgr_erp_billing = "Generate Billing" pgr_erp_filereturnbank = "File Return Bank" pgr_erp_invoice = "Invoices" pgr_erp_Nfse_Integration = "NFS-e Integration" pgr_erp_emailtemplate = "E-mail Templates" pgr_billing_email = "Billing Email" pgr_erp_billstopay = "Entrys" cat_erp_accountspayable = "Account Payable" cat_database = "Database" pgr_import_services = "Import Services Catalog" services_import = "Services Import" people_import = "Users Import" timeouttext = "Your session will expire in" seconds = "seconds" expiredmessage = "Your session has expired. You are being logged out for security reasons." titleSessionDialog = "Session Expiration Warning" sessionContinueText = "Click on OK to continue your session" reload_request = "Reload request data" Error_insert_note = "Error when inserting note" Alert_Cancel_sucess = "Request succesfully canceled" Alert_note_sucess = "Note succesfully inserted" Alert_close_request = "Request finished" Alert_reopen_sucess = "Request reopened" Alert_deleted_note = "Note deleted" Alert_person_inserted = "Succesfully inserted" Alert_edited_person = "Person Edited" Fill = "Fill" Reject_sucess = "Request Rejected" Reject_btn = "Reject" Save_changes_sucess = "Changes Saved" pgr_project_record = "Insert Project" cat_manage = "Manage" percent_complete = "% Complete" Permission_group = "Permissions Groups" Initial_date = "Initial Date" Finish_date = "Finish Date" Projects = "Projects" Project_insert = "Insert Project" Project_name = "Project Name" Project_name_red = "Name Reduced" Initial_hour = "Initial Hour" Finish_hour = "Finish Hour" URL = "URL" Project_type = "Type Project" Project_status = "Status Project" Dependencies = "Dependencies" Percentual = "Percentual" Active = "Active" Critical = "Critical" High = "High" Average = "Average" Low = "Low" Planned = "Planned" Error_Number_columns = "Number of columns on line % of the file is invalid. Import canceled !!!" Error_Company_NotFound = "Company not found in line %" Error_Department_Insert = "Error to insert department %" Error_Login_Found = "Login found at line %" Error_Login_Type = "Invalid Login type at line %" Error_Invalid_Email = "Invalid Email at line %" Error_Invalid_AccessLevel = "Invalid Access Level at line %" Error_Unable_Write = "Unable Write, login: %" Error_Insert_Cost_Center = "Error to insert cost center: %" Error_Invalid_Gender = "Invalid Gender at line %" Import_People_Finish = "Import finished: % lines read, # saved records" Import_People_Registered = "Registered new person: %" Recorded_Cost_Center = "Cost center recorded." Recorded_Department = "Department recorded." Using_Cost_Center = "Using cost center: %." Google_Calendar = "Calendar" Google_Start = "Start" Google_End = "End" Google_Where = "Where" Google_description = "Descripition" Google_Reminder = "Reminder" Google_Choose_Reminder = "Choose Reminder" Google_email = "E-mail" Google_popup = "Pop-Up" Google_Privacy = "Privacy" Google_Public = "Public" Google_Private = "Private" Google_Default = "Default" Google_minutes = "Minutes" Google_hours = "Hours" Google_days = "Days" Google_weeks = "Weeks" Google_Guests = "Guests" Google_Notification = "Notification" Google_SendNotification = "Send Notification" Google_Failure = "Google Error" Google_Openssl_Error = "OpenSSL extension not load" Google_Credentials = "Credentials" Google_Save_Credentials = "Save my credentials" Google_Calendar_Export = "Exportar para Google Calendar" Update_Instaled_Version = "Instaled Version" Update_Last_Version = "Last Version" Update_Not_Connect = "I could not connect to the Helpdezk site, please, check your firewall !!!" Update_Bad_Response = "Bad response from the server !" Processing = "Processing" # DASH -- DSN_Navbar_name = "Dashboard" Dashboard_SLAFulfillment = "Fulfillment" Dashboard_SLANotFulfillment = "Not Fulfillment" Dashboard_UpdatedDaily = "Updated daily" # Logos_Title = "Logos" # ERP -- ERP_Navbar_name = "E R P" ERP_Cost_Center = "Cost Center" ERP_Type = "CC Type" ERP_Choose_type = "Please choose a type" ERP_Credit = "Credit" ERP_Debit = "Debit" ERP_Account = "Account" ERP_Account_insert = "Add Account" ERP_Account_edit = "Edit Account" ERP_Account_number = "Code Account" ERP_Choose_costcenter = "Please choose a Cost Center" ERP_Product_Service = "Product/Service" ERP_Value = "Value" ERP_ProductService_insert = "Insert Product/Service" ERP_ProductService_edit = "Edit Product/Service" ERP_Cnae = "Cnae" ERP_CodListServ = "Service List Code" ERP_Receivable_Entry = "Account Receivable Entry" ERP_Receivable_Entry_insert = "Insert Account Receivable Entry" ERP_Customer = "Costumer" ERP_Choose_customer = "Please choose a Customer" ERP_Choose_service = "Choose a Product/Service" ERP_Quantity = "Quantity" ERP_Unit_value = "Unit Value" ERP_Frequency = "Frequency" ERP_Only_this_month = "Only this month" ERP_Repeat = "Repeat" ERP_Repetition = "Repetition" ERP_Yearly = "Yearly" ERP_Monthly = "Monthly" ERP_Frequency = "Repeat every" ERP_Month = "month" ERP_Months = "months" ERP_Year = "year" ERP_Years = "years" ERP_Starts = "Starts" ERP_Closes = "Closes" ERP_Never = "Never" ERP_After = "After" ERP_Times = "times" ERP_Bank_Account_title = "Bank Account" ERP_Bank = "Bank" ERP_Bank_Branch = "Branch #" ERP_Bank_Account = "Account #" ERP_Select_Bank = "Select the Bank" ERP_Bank_Account_Edit = "Edit Bank Account " ERP_Bank_Account_Insert = "Insert Bank Account " ERP_Description = "Description" ERP_Date = "Date" ERP_Acct = "Account" ERP_CredDeb = "C/D" ERP_CB_Entry = "Entry" ERP_CashBox = "Cash Box" ERP_Choose_BankAccount = "Choose a Bank Account" ERP_CashBank_title = "Cash Management" ERP_In = "In" ERP_Out = "Out" ERP_Success_Insert = " successfully inserted records" ERP_Fail_Insert = "Error writing to database" ERP_Ledger = "Ledger" ERP_Expense = "Expense" ERP_Income = "Income" ERP_Code = "Code" ERP_To = "to" ERP_Billing = "Billing" ERP_All_Customers = "All Costumers" ERP_Due_Month = "Due Month" ERP_Due_Year = "Due Year" ERP_Billing_Insert = " Inserted invoices" ERP_FileReturnBank_Title = "File Return Bank" ERP_Invoice_Title = "Invoices" ERP_DueDate = "Due Date" ERP_Status = "Status" ERP_PayDate = "Pay Date" ERP_Invoice_Number = "Invoice #" ERP_Log = "Log" ERP_Pay_Invoice = "Pay Invoice" ERP_Pay_Discount = "Discount" ERP_Pay_Fine = "Fine" ERP_Pay_Interest = "Interest" ERP_Pay_Amount = "Amount paid" ERP_Invoice_Paid = "Invoice has already paid!!!" ERP_Integration_Nfes = "NFE-s Integration" ERP_Send = "Send" ERP_Return = "Return" ERP_Cancel = "Cancel" ERP_Nfes_status = "NFS-e Status" ERP_View_Nfse = "View NFS-e" ERP_Protocol_Number = "Protocol Number" ERP_Situation_Desc = "Situation" ERP_Last_Update = "Last Update" ERP_Link_Pdf = "Link Pdf" ERP_Email_Template = "Email Template" ERP_EmailTpl_Boleto = "Send Invoice" erp_var_invoice_number = "Invoice Number" erp_var_invoice_amount = "Invoice Amount" erp_var_invoice_date = "Invoice Due Date" erp_var_costumer = "Costumer" erp_var_invoice_pdf = "Link to Invoice Pdf" erp_var_invoice_xml = "Link to Invoice XML" ERP_Billing_Email = "Send Billing E-mail " ERP_Billing_Period = "Due Period" ERP_Billing_Dates = "Due Dates " ERP_7_Days = "7 Days" ERP_15_Days = "15 Days" ERP_30_Days = "30 Days" ERP_This_Mouth = "This Mouth" ERP_Next_Month = "Next Mouth" ERP_BillsToPay_title = "Account Payable Entrys" ERP_Supplier = "Supplier" Select_supplier = "Choose an Supplier" ERP_BarLine = "Bar ou Line" ERP_BarCode = "Bar Code" ERP_TypefulLine = "Typeful Line" ERP_Schedule = "Schedule Pay" sys_2FAuthentication = "Usar autenticação em duas etapas" google2FA_description = "Your account does not have a token for authentication in two stages. You need to download the Google Authenticator [or similar] and install it on your smartphone. Open the application, click [+] and then [Scan Code].
Scan the QR code below.
Once saved, you will only log in with your username, your password and the number sequence generated by the application." google2FA_write_token = "Write Token" google2FA_write_token_OK = "Token successfully saved !!!" google2FA_write_token_Error = "Error saving token !!!" #- API --- API_Alert_choose_area = "Please choose an area" API_Alert_choose_item = "Please choose an item" API_Alert_choose_type = "Please choose a type" API_Approve_no = "No." API_Approve_obs = "Yes, with observation." API_Approve_text = "Do you approve the operators attendance?" API_Approve_yes = "Yes." API_Error_cancel_request = "Failure to cancel request!" API_Error_code_approval = "Error, missing code or type approval." API_Error_not_insert = "Could not insert!" API_Error_reopen_request = "Failed to reopen request!" API_No_result = "No results found." API_Observation = "Observation" API_Reason = "Reason" API_Request_closed = "Request Closed" API_Request_not_approve = "The request was not approved" API_Request_opened = "Request Opened" API_Success_approval_request = "Request successfully evaluated!" API_Success_cancel_request = "Request successfully canceled!" API_Success_insert_note = "Note inserted successfully!" API_Success_reopen_request = "Request reopened successfully!" API_Success_reprove_request = "Request reproved with success!" API_Text_cancel_request = "Request canceled." API_Text_reopen_request = "Request reopened." API_Error_token = "Invalid token, user not loged." #- DWL_Upload_file = "File Upload " DWL_Button_upload = "Upload" # Italy -- Login_cant_create_user = "Cant create User !!!!" Save_term = "Save Term" # --- Placeholders --- plh_holiday_description = "Enter Holiday Description" plh_holiday_date = "Enter Holiday Date" plh_module_description = "Enter Module Name" plh_module_path = "Enter Module Path" plh_smarty_variable = "Enter the smarty variable" plh_module_prefix = "Enter the table prefix" plh_program_description = "Enter Program Name" plh_controller_description = "Inform the Program Controller" plh_category_description = "Enter Category Name" Editor_Placeholder_solution = "Enter request solution here..." Editor_Placeholder_reason = "Enter reason here..." Alert_empty_reason = "Fill in the reason" Program = "Program" Drag_image_msg = "Drag the file with the image
click here." Table_prefix = "Table prefix" Module_default = "Default module" Module_path = "Module path" Alert_add_module_title = "Don't forget to add the module entry to 'app/lang/[idioma].txt'" Delete_module = "Are you sure you want to delete this module?" module_not_edit = "This module cannot be edited" module_not_disable = "This module cannot be disabled" module_not_delete = "This module cannot be deleted" Alert_sucess_category = "Category successfully registered" Alert_invalid_email = "Invalid Email Format" tooltip_state = "Add new state" tooltip_type_street = "Add new street" tooltip_neighborhood = "Add new neighborhood" tooltip_street = "Add new address" tooltip_city = "Add new city" tooltip_list_items = "List Items" tooltip_list_services = "List Services" Option_only_attendant_active = "Active Attendants Only Option" Alert_add_program_title = "Do not forget to add the program entry in 'app/lang/[idioma].txt'" Select_country= "Choose country" Select_state= "Choose State" Select_city= "Choose City" Select_neighborhood= "Choose Neighborhood" Select_street = "Choose Address" Select_location = "Choose Location" Alert_get_data = "Unable to get data" tracker_status = "Track Emails" log_general = "General Logs" log_email = "Email Logs" log_host = "Host Type" log_remote_server = "Remote Server" log_level = "Log Level" sys_session_time_lbl = "Time System Session Duration" country_default = "Default Country" hdk_exceed_max_file_size = "This file will not be processed. Exceeds maximum upload size: {{maxFilesize}}MB" hdk_remove_file = "Remove File" Delete_record = "Are you sure you want to delete this entry?" Alert_import_services_nofile_failure = "Could not import !! Attach the file ." Drag_import_file_msg = "
Drag the file with the data
click here." Import_services_instructions = "Download import instructions: " Import_services_layout_file = "Service Import Layout" Import_services_layout = "Service Import Layout" Import_error_file = "Unable to write file for import." Import_not_writable = "Not allowed to save import file" Import_layout_error = "Import file layout error - wrong number of columns." Alert_add_feature_title = "Don't forget to add the feature entry in 'app/lang/[idioma].txt'" add_new_feature = "Add New Feature" new_feature = "New Feature" lbl_session_name = "Session Variable Name" lbl_value = "Value" Feature_remove = "Remove Feature" Value_exists = "Entered value is already registered" Alert_add_config_categ_title = "Don't forget to add the category entry in 'app/lang/[idioma].txt'" btn_update_userphoto = "Update your photo" Drag_user_photo_msg = "To update your photo,
drag the file with the image
click here." Edit_user_config = "Edit Settings" Lbl_photo = "Photo" Alert_department_person = "This Department has linked users.
To delete it, you need to move users to a new department.
Select the destination Department." tooltip_delete_area = "Delete Area" tooltip_delete_type = "Delete Type" tooltip_delete_item = "Delete Item" tooltip_delete_service = "Delete Service" Alert_dont_delete_area = "This area is linked to one or several requests.
This operation cannot be performed." Alert_dont_delete_type = "This type is linked to one or several requests.
This operation cannot be performed." Alert_dont_delete_item = "This item is linked to one or several requests.
This operation cannot be performed." Alert_dont_delete_service = "This service is bound to one or several requests.
This operation cannot be performed." sys_expire_date_user_grid = "Do not show lead time on requester grid until an attendant has taken the request" sys_expire_date_user_dash = "Do not show lead time and status on requester dashboard until an attendant has taken the request" Alert_not_match_new_pass = "The new password cannot be the same as the current password!"